Law & Order: Special Waste Unit

So on Monday, I went to a sandwich place for lunch and got a sandwich wrapped in paper and a drink and a cookie in a plastic bag.  That night, I went to the movies and got a drink and a package of M&Ms.

I felt.  So.  Guilty.

Today, I was better; anything disposable I got came in biodegradable cups.  (Of course, we had burgers for dinner that come in plastic.)  I realized the cup I have that’s stainless steel has a plastic outer shell and I’m worried it will get crunched in my bag.  So I should buy one to take with me places for those times when I want soda.

My mother has decided to start saving the plastic mesh bags from oranges and my dad said he should “probably” start keeping re-usable cloth shopping bags in his car.  I may have started something.

I love you, too, but I’m gonna mace you in the face

This is another case in which I began to write a blog post about The Darjeeling Limited and failed to follow through.  If anyone who knows jack about film would like to start a discussion, I would invite that.  Life Aquatic made me mad to the point where I wasn’t even sure how to engage with the film in order to write about it rationally.  Darjeeling Limited didn’t make me as mad, but I find it to be a pretty problematic film.  Here we go!

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Mad Men 5×09: “Dark Shadows”

My mom once told me that she can understand where Betty Draper is coming from (we had this around the start of Season Three, hence the “Draper”) because my mom was born about the same time as Sally and grew up with it.  Of course, my mother was the fourth children of eight, and her parents had no money.  The Draper children come from a more privileged background than my mother did.  I’m not saying that automatically should make Betty nicer as much as I’m saying.

Still, though, in “Public Relations”—another Thanksgiving episode!—Big Mama Francis tells Henry that Sally and Bobby are afraid of their mother.  And we know now that Grandma Pauline is not a maternal role model.  To have her criticize Betty’s parenting is like the kiss of death to any argument that Betty is a good mother.

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Days Three and Four: Waste and Recreation

Well.  I haven’t gotten much better.  I’ve still been going out for dinner, but exclusively at Larkburger and Chipotle.  And yesterday, I got Larkburger’s Amy Burger, which, instead of a meat patty, has a delicious portobello mushroom patty.  Delicious.  And all their plastic is compostable.  So I did one day without meat.  I did eat my lunch on Monday at the Loftea Cafe, which a friend of mine found while waiting for me to meet her.  They stock my beloved Bobo’s Oat Bars (from Boulder!), which I was bummed I couldn’t eat because of the packaging.  I ordered a yogurt parfait, and was disappointed that you choose a container of yogurt out of the fridge—but because of their commitment to organic and seasonal food, I trust it was recycled properly.

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